we spent last weekend in florida for the wedding of our friends, isaac wardell & megan roderick. it was an awesome weekend. but can i just say that florida is HOT! and bright. the sun was piercing my eyeballs all the way into the back of my brain. i devoted most of my time to the application and reapplication of sunscreen, and then the rest of my time scampering from one piece of shade to the next.
putting all my whining aside, we had a GREAT time with all our friends. it was a beautiful wedding and everything came together so well. i took a few pictures with my iPhone, but none of them came out very well. if your a facebook user/junkie i posted a couple of shots, all very hazy.
and there's another wedding this weekend. my boss' youngest brother is getting married, and my brother-in-law, Gabe, is one of the groomsmen. and after that, we have a little hiadus on the wedding circuit until the BIG (cue wedding march music) wedding in october, when ben's baby brother, my only brother-in-law, will be marrying the love of his life, libby warren. that's going to be a good one. i'm already predicting, it'll be in top-five weddings of all time.
...love the new header!
(so will you be buying 269 bed, bath, and beyond gift cards or are you going shopping x 269 for well-thought out wedding gifts? just curious...)
everyone gets towels. that's my new plan :)
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